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Globular Stink Bug Invasive
This post’s featured creature is Megacopta Cribraria.
Just outside the entrance to my subdivision, there’s a stand of kudzu, Pueraria montana var. lobata, at the border of a city park. If you’re not familiar with kudzu, it’s a major invasive here in the Southeast that pretty much takes over wherever it manages to take root. Many of the volunteer outings with the local nature conservancy are focused on eliminating this invasive from conservancy lands. Here are a few photos of the area to give you an idea.
Posted in Featured Creatures
Spittlebugs sans Spittle
Isn’t it cool to see these normally hidden spittlebugs exposed like this?
These spittlebugs surprised me by having no bubbles present to camouflage them. I have a few theories about what’s going on here, but it’s all speculation.
Their orange color suggests they might be unappetizing in some way. Or maybe that sap flow itself is poisonous. Of course, they drink it, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t evolved an immunity and that the toxin isn’t broken down once ingested.
Posted in Featured Photos
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Assassin Bug Mimicking Bee
Tropical assassin bugs come in an amazing variety of forms. This one reminds me of a bee, though I didn’t see anything on my trip that might serve as a model. Despite extensive searching of the internet, I didn’t turn up any photos of a species resembling this individual.
A couple of my books do mention assassin bugs that mimic bees and wasps, so I think that’s probably what’s going on here.
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Snobbish Fulgorid
Like many fulgorids, the front of the head of this one is oddly shaped. With what looks like an upturned nose, you could call this one downright snobbish.
Take a close look at the base of the antenna below the eye.
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Hatched Coreid Eggs
I spotted these hatched eggs while strolling through a local park. I like how they have a sort of dashed “break here to exit” line at one end. I also like how you can see the cell structure making up the eggs, a bunch of little hexagons. I only wished I’d found them before they hatched.
I’m not really happy with this photo. I really need some way to easily diffuse my flash in the field. Not only are there flash hotspots, but you can actually see a recognizable reflection of the camera on each shell. Nonetheless, I thought the eggs themselves were worthy of a post.
Posted in Featured Photos