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Blog Archives
Identification Challenge #14 Reveal: Arched Hooktip
No one commented on the latest identification challenge. Despite showing just the tip of the forewing, the image provided showed the distinctive feature of a subfamily of moths commonly called hooktip moths. If you got that far, it’s a pretty simple process of elimination since there are only a handful of North American species, each one easily distinguished from the other. This species is the Arched Hooktip, Drepana arcuata.
This individual appears to be a male, based on the widely bipectinate antennae.
Posted in Identification Challenges
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Identification Challenge #13 Reveal: Spotted Apatelodes Proleg
Did you guess that the caterpillar above was the critter featured in Identification Challenge #13? Both commenters for this challenge were on the right track, guessing that it was a caterpillar. Here’s the photo again from the challenge.
Here’s an even closer look at the proleg so I can point out a few interesting things.
All those little claws on the proleg are called crochets. This particular species, Apatelodes torrefacta, is one of just a handful of species in my area that belong to the family Bobycidae. The most famous member of that family is the domesticated silkworm moth. One feature of caterpillars in this family is that they have crochets of two different lengths, as shown above.
Posted in Identification Challenges
Identification Challenge #13
Despite appearances, I promise this is not an underwater shot of some strange anemone. I brought this critter home from a recent walk in the park.
This could be a difficult challenge. Nonetheless, I bet someone will be able to identify the species shown here. To give you some sense of scale, I had my 65mm macro lens maxed out at 5x for this shot.
Posted in Identification Challenges
Lacewing Eggs Comparison
I assume these are hatched lacewing eggs, though I think there are other critters that lay stalked eggs as well. What I found interesting was how long the stalks are relative to the eggs. The lacewing eggs I usually find have relatively shorter stalks. Compare the hatched ones above with some unhatched ones below that I found in a park close to home.
Searching around the internet I see two common explanations for why eggs are laid on stalks. First, the stalks make it more difficult for predators such as ants to reach the eggs. The stalks are sometimes even coated with a repellent substance. Second, lacewing larvae are cannibalistic and the stalks serve to keep keep newly hatched larvae away from each other.
Posted in Featured Photos
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Crypsis Challenge #12 Reveal: Frog
Three commenters successfully identified the frog from the last crypsis challenge.
Here’s a closer look.
That wraps up all my posts from my January trip to Costa Rica.
Posted in Crypsis Challenges
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Crypsis Challenge #12
As I was shooting the last crypsis challenge, the critter hidden here caught my attention. If it hadn’t moved, I probably would never have noticed it. Can you find it?
Posted in Crypsis Challenges
Crypsis Challenge #11 Reveal: Moth
Did you find the moth in the image above? If not, don’t feel bad. I might not have seen it either, except I originally spotted the moth in a more conspicuous location. After a few shots (below), I deliberately spooked it in hopes that it would land in a location suitable for a crypsis challenge. Here’s an outline if you still need a little help finding it.
Here’s where I originally spotted it. Not blending in so well, is it?
This moth’s shape suggests it might be in the family Tortricidae. It’s small, only about 15mm measured lengthwise in the photo below.
Posted in Crypsis Challenges