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Identification Challenge #4
I spotted this chrysalis on a tree trunk (looks like some sort of cherry). You can see in the first photo that it blends in pretty well. I took it home to see what would emerge. Something did, late the following April. Any ideas what it was?
This probably won’t help, but I couldn’t resist posting a closeup.
Posted in Identification Challenges
Gold Moth Caterpillar on Wingstem
I found this caterpillar last fall. It was munching away on the flowers of what I believe to be wingstem. The plant was growing beside a walking trail at a forest edge.
Here are a couple of other views.
I’m basing the identification on similar photos of Basilodes pepita on BugGuide and in Wagner.
I like the bold colors. Wagner states that the combination of colors, behavior and foodplant suggest it might be unpalatable.
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Orb Weaver
This orb weaver was safely tucked away inside a leafy retreat.
The general shape puts me in mind of Acanthepeira species here in the US. There is at least one species, A. labidura, in Brazil. I couldn’t find any information on it though.
Posted in Featured Photos
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Identification Challenge #3 Reveal
Chris Grinter agrees with me that this photo is of a sawfly in the genus Dimorphopteryx.
I first saw some photos of similar sawflies in this book:
I then found some images on BugGuide.
It really is an odd looking critter. If I’d instead shown this view, it would have been more obvious, I think, that it’s a sawfly.
Here you can see the horns just behind the head.
Marshall reports that the “tubercle behind the head is eversible, and sticks out like a snake’s tongue when the insect is disturbed.” Cool. I wish I’d known that when I encountered it. I would have tried to coax it into displaying that behavior.
Posted in Identification Challenges
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Crypsis Challenge #5 Reveal
At least a few people found the caterpillar outlined below, from the last crypsis challenge.
I like how effectively it blends in. The dorsal markings match up pretty well with the damaged areas on the leaf.
It has spun a sort of silken lair across the entire leaf as well.
Posted in Crypsis Challenges
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Pelecinid Wasp
Wasps in the family Pelecinidae are distinctive and easily recognized by that long thin abdomen. I’ve see them closer to home as well, but I can’t recall if I’ve ever gotten a decent photo. I do remember chasing after quite a few in vain or watching as one teased me from someplace just out of reach. I got lucky with this one.
What I thought was a red marking turns out to be a small mite.
There’s only one genus, Pelecinus, for this family. There appears to be at least two described species in the tropics.
Posted in Easter Eggs, Featured Photos
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Some Army Ant Observations
That’s the general scene. I encountered these army ants on the side of the trail towards the end of the afternoon. The odd thing is that I didn’t see much more than what’s shown here. There were a couple of holes in the ground, outside the shot above, but roughly in the upper left and lower right. Despite some searching in the nearby vicinity, I didn’t find any other ant trails. But there were ants streaming in and out of the two holes, forming roughly two paths. The bottom path was moving to the right and the top to the left.
Posted in Featured Photos